Exclamation Mark Symbol [Copy and Paste]

Exclamation Mark Symbol For You To Copy and Paste is ❗

The punctuation mark known as an exclamation point is typically placed after an interjection or exclamation. Its purpose is to imply strong sentiments and communicate emotion, as well as to give the idea that one is yelling or that the volume is very loud. It is common practice to use an exclamation point at the conclusion of a phrase, just as one would place a period or question mark.

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A punctuation mark used at the conclusion of exclamatory phrases is an exclamation mark symbol () or exclamation point symbol (). The word “question” () is placed after interrogative statements. In text-based messaging, the exclamation mark symbol is more common than the question mark sign. Exclamation symbol (!) can be written as Italic exclamation mark symbol (!).

Exclamation Mark Symbol 2024:


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Learn More: Symbols for Anger

All Symbols That Can Be Used For Exclamation Mark:

❗, ‼️,❕, ⁉️,❣️,⚠️,⚠,📢,👉

How to Use These Symbols? 

Copy and paste the Exclamation Mark Symbol in just one click. Just click on the Exclamation Mark symbol copy button next to it and insert it anywhere.

Exclamation Symbol Copy and Paste 

Exclamation mark symbol text can be created on various platforms in following shapes in below mentioned methods;

  • Press and hold the ALT key while entering the alt key code 8252 to create the double exclamation mark sign (!!) on a keyboard utilizing ALT codes. The number pad on any keyboard is required. If users doesn’t have a numeric keypad, however they may still enter the other code by holding down both Fn key as well as the ALT key simultaneously. 
  • To create the question exclamation mark symbol (!?)  To type ALT+8265 on the keypad, just hold down the ALT key while pressing the alt key code 8265. The number pad on any keyboard is required. If users doesn’t have a numeric keypad, however they may still enter the other code by holding down both Fn key as well as the ALT key simultaneously. 
  • Just tap and hold the ALT key while entering the alt key code 10067 to write the question mark sign on the keyboard as ALT+10067. The number pad on any keyboard is required. If users doesn’t have a numeric keypad, however they may still enter the other code by holding down both Fn key as well as the ALT key simultaneously.  
  • Simply keep holding down the ALT key on any keyboard while users type the alt key code 10069 in order to create the white exclamation mark sign on the keyboard utilizing ALT codes. ALT+10069. The number pad on any keyboard is required. If users doesn’t have a numeric keypad, however they may still enter the other code by holding down both Fn key as well as the ALT key simultaneously. 
  • Simply keep holding down the ALT key as users type the alt key code 10071 on ones keyboard to create the exclamation mark sign . This will produce the sign on the keyboard. The number pad on any keyboard is required. If users doesn’t have a numeric keypad, however they may still enter the other code by holding down both Fn key as well as the ALT key simultaneously. 

Exclamation Emoji

Exclamation mark symbol Emoji 1.0 was updated in 2015 to include the Red Exclamation Mark , which had previously been designated as the “Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol” when it was included in Unicode 5.2 in 2009.

Exclamation Mark Symbol in Word

Exclamation mark symbol aesthetic shape can be typed in word by simple taping “shift 

+ 1” on the keyboard of a laptop or computer.